Many times delays and even failures can be avoided if a driver brings the necessary items.
Drivers need to bring the following items:
1. Valid Driver's License or ID: A government-issued photo identification.
2. Medical History Information;
- Any relevant past medical records or notes from your doctor if you're being treated for a condition that may impact driving (e.g., diabetes, high blood pressure).
- A list of all “current medications” (names, dosages, and prescribing doctors).
3. Eyeglasses or Contact Lenses: If you use them for vision correction.
4. Hearing Aids: If you require them, bring them to the exam.
5. Sleep Apnea Documentation: If you have sleep apnea, bring any CPAP compliance records or sleep study results for the past 90 days.
6. Diabetes Information: If you're diabetic, bring a log of your blood sugar levels and any related medical records or recent blood work results.
7. Cardiac Documentation: If you have a heart condition, bring recent cardiologist reports, stress test results, or echocardiograms, if applicable.
8. Medical Exemption Forms: If you have an FMCSA medical exemption (for vision, diabetes, or other), bring this form to show compliance with medical requirements.
Preparing these items will help streamline the process and ensure that I can make an informed assessment. If you have any questions or had a recent incident, such as a heart attack or a stent, please reach out to me personally before your exam at drcaminez@tndotphysical.com. Once again, don’t just hope you will get by. By following this guide, we can make the process as easy as possible and keep you on the road.